Are Low-Flow Toilets Better?

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Last Updated on November 14, 2022 by acechapman

Are you thinking of installing a low-flow toilet? Find out all the pros and cons of low-flow toilets, whether you are looking to save water or be more friendly to the environment.

Many homeowners are interested in low-flow or low-flush toilets. This is to help conserve water and reduce its impact on the environment. Since their introduction in 1990, these water-saving toilets have advanced greatly. There are many styles today that offer better functionality and more options.

Low-flow toilets can be more costly than traditional fixtures to install and maintain, but they can save you significant money in the long term.

These are some questions to ask if you’re thinking of adding low-flow toilets in your home.

How do low-flush toilets work?

Low-flush toilets can be flushed using either gravity or pressure-assisted.

Gravity-driven toilets flush waste when the flapper on the tank moves, and water is released. The bowl is filled with water and the contents are flushed into the bowl. Gravity then transports the waste into and through the pipes.

The pressure-assisted toilet has a tank that acts like a water balloon. The toilet tank is filled with water and held under pressure. The flush valve opens and water is forced through the tank.

low flow toilets

How much water does a low-flow toilet use?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, toilets account for nearly 30 percent of American households’ water consumption. Toilets older than 3.5 gallons can use up to 7 gallons of water per flush. Many cities and counties have adopted conservation laws that require homeowners and landlords to install low-flow toilets.

Low-flow toilets must use no more than 1.6 gallons per flush according to government plumbing standards. High-efficiency models can use as little as 1.28 gallons per flush.

What are some low-flow toilet problems?

These toilets are often criticized for their noise, flushing, and water pressure problems.

  • They use a pressure-assisted system that makes a distinct “whooshing” sound that is louder than regular toilet flushes.
  • They may not work properly and not push waste down the drain enough, which could lead to clogs or other problems in the plumbing system.
  • Low-flow toilets will not flush waste as efficiently if the water pressure is not adequate.

Pros and cons of low-flow toiles

These are the things you should consider when selecting the right toilet for your bathroom.


  • Low-flow toilets can save you a lot of water both during flushing and over time. Low-flow toilets, whether you choose to install a pressure-assisted or gravity-operated model, will dramatically reduce water consumption.
  • It is possible to save money immediately. Switching to low-flow toilets can help homeowners cut their water bills by as much as $110 annually, according to the EPA.
  • The longer you use low-flow toilets, the more money you will save and your investment should be recouped. Toilets with low flow can last for up to 30 years without needing to be replaced. They can increase your home’s value and also make it more attractive to potential buyers.
  • For newly built homes, low-flow toilets have become an increasingly popular option. Low-flow toilets can also be rebated in some states, cities, and counties.


  • Low-flow toilets flush waste less efficiently than regular toilets because they use less water and exert less pressure than regular toilets. Sometimes, it is necessary to flush heavy waste twice or three times. This means that the toilet will use more water and be less efficient.
  • If you have older plumbing, low-flow fixtures might not be compatible with them. Low-flush toilets work on gravity and pressure, so the pipes that they are connected to must be placed at a certain angle and slope. Your plumbing might need to be adjusted or replaced if your house is older. This can make installation more difficult and more costly than expected.
  • Low-flow fixtures are more common in homes built within the last 20 years.
low flow toilets

Are low-flow toilets better than regular toilets?

Yes. Bathrooms are very popular in living spaces, especially when many people live there. Every day, people are using the bathroom. This type of toilet installation can withstand heavy use by your entire family and your guests.

The return on your investment in your plumbing system is especially evident in your water bill. You’ll save a lot of money, as flushing can save you 20.1 gallons per day. Remember that laundry, dishes, and showers will still take place. You can save water by flushing the toilet. This will make a big difference in your monthly bill.

If you live in an area that is experiencing drought, low-flow toilets may be worth the investment. The EPA has given the WaterSense label to homeowners. This indicates that the toilet is low-flow. This label shows that the toilet is 20% more efficient than other similar products. This is a wiser investment over the long term.

Let’s not let that stop you from looking at these statistics from the EPA. People could replace every toilet in the country, saving over 520 billion gallons each year. This would be a remarkable change consumer could make for the environment.

Wrapping Up

In some cases, a low-flow toilet might not be an option. You might wonder if it is worth repairing the plumbing system if you live in an older house that doesn’t see a lot of traffic. It all depends on how much money you have available and your desire to conserve water. It is worth looking into, even though it may seem tedious. Water is scarce these days.

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