Composting Toilets | Is It An Alternative Solution?

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Last Updated on December 30, 2022 by acechapman

Composting toilets can be a good alternative solution in certain situations where traditional sewage systems are not available or practical. These types of toilets use natural processes to break down and decompose human waste and other organic matter, turning it into compost.

They can be a good option for off-grid living, such as in a cabin or tiny home, or in areas where it is not feasible to install a septic system or connect to a municipal sewage system. They can also be used in situations where water conservation is a concern, as they do not require flushing with water.

Most often calls it a dry toilet system or a waterless toilet due to its efficiency in reducing water consumption. There are two variations for this toilet, slow composting or moldering toilets, and active composters.

composting toilet

Types of Composting Toilets

Slow Composting

This is the most common among the two since it does not require a lot of monitoring and maintenance.

These toilets literally take a long period to finish composting the waste. They lack the normally warmer temperature in garden pits, hence the name. It takes a few months on average to destroy dangerous microorganisms with this type of composting. Except for the very notorious roundworm, which could take up to a decade.

For this reason, it is advisable to use the end product on ornamental flowers instead of food plants. Despite this, it is truly convenient for those who do not want to constantly deal with waste. It would usually take two years before the chamber needs emptying.

The next variation of composting toilets, the active composters, has two classifications.

The self-contained version means the process of composting your waste will take place in the toilet itself. You can optionally add exhaust fans and heaters to help speed up the biological processes.

Owners normally include materials such as sawdust to help reduce the unpleasant odor. Thus, increasing the absorption of moisture after usage.

Active Composters

The Active Composter is the remote system where the composting bin is not inside the toilet. It is rather in a specially dug hole in the ground underneath or near the garden.

The waste is constantly being transferred to that pit where it decomposes. They could either use little to no water to flush or be equipped with a vacuum.

It is suitable for households with more than three persons because of the bigger space allocation for waste. Although, this requires a bit more monitoring to make sure that everything is smooth.

Composting Toilets

Making The World A Greener Place

As per Guardian Editors, there are many valuable reasons why composting toilets is the way to go.

Factors that make composting toilets work are the temperature, nutrients such as oxygen and carbon, and moisture levels, all of which are controlled within your own home.

Unlike regular toilets, it does not go through sewage treatment plants. Not only does it costs more money but, also makes our water lines susceptible to pathogens that cause illnesses.

Water-born diseases are potentially dangerous and can even result in death. Also, treatment plants increase our environmental footprint and are tedious to take care of.

With composting toilets, we are able to conserve a large percentage of our water resources that usually just go to waste with standard toilets. In return, the water supply is allocated to other sensible things. This will benefit those areas that are affected by scarcity, and improve those that are not.

Composting toilets helps recycle our own body waste into something that is relevant and useful to our environment.

The fertilizers that come from this method are usable in our own backyard and do not undergo chemical and artificial processes. Fertilizers today are not necessarily produced from natural ingredients and procedures. It affects not just our health but our ecosystem as well.

Wrapping Up

In some cases, composting toilets may require more maintenance and care than traditional toilets, and it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper use and maintenance to ensure that the composting process is effective and the toilet is hygienic.

Overall, composting toilets can be a good alternative solution in certain situations, but it is important to carefully consider whether they are the right choice for your particular needs.

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