How To Fix A Slow Flushing Toilet?

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Last Updated on August 24, 2022 by acechapman

The most important part of any toilet is its flush. A strong flushing toilet never gets any blockage issues, which is why most homeowners begin to worry when the toilet flushes slowly. So, how do you fix a slow flushing toilet?

Many people wonder why their toilet flushes slowly but isn’t clogged.

It is essential that you fully understand the cause of any problem you are trying to fix.

Toilet flushes can be slow for many reasons, including the flapper seal or chain adjustment.

How Does The Toilet Flush Work?

Multiple factors affect the flushing of a toilet, including the flapper and overflow tube, refill tube, as well as water pressure.

The flapper is lifted by the chain in the tank when you push or press down on the toilet lever/handle. The flapper allows water to flow down through the flush valve.

The refill valve also fills the tank with water according to the water level. Although the mechanism for flushing a toilet is simple, it also depends on many factors.

If you have one issue, it is easy to recognize the problem. It could be an overflowing toilet or a bowl that does not hold enough water.

how to fix a slow flushing toilet

What Are The Possible Causes Of A Slow Flushing Toilet

Toilet flushes can become slow and weak due to a variety of reasons, including the flapper seal or gasket, fill valve, flush valve, rim jets, etc.


The flapper is made of rubber or plastic. It prevents water leakage and performs a vital role in flushing the toilet.

The flapper raises the water flow from the bowl to the rims and creates siphon pressure. Then, flushes down all the waste materials.

You can flush the toilet slowly, but the water is clear. The flapper could be the cause of this problem.

The water in the tank will not evaporate if the flapper isn’t opening properly or is too heavy. This is where you will notice that the flush becomes slower.

Another thing to consider is that if there is a mineral deposit surrounding the flapper it won’t open very much. The result was a slow flushing toilet.

Partial Blockage In Rim Jets

Are you aware of the rim holes under the rim? The water is carried from the tank to the bowl by the jets.

Most people generally clean the toilet from tank to bowl, but don’t clean inside the small holes.

After a while, limescale can cause all holes to become partially blocked. They gradually decrease water carrying capacity, resulting in slow flushing.

The Tank Does Not Have Enough Water

Another reason why the toilet flushes slowly is that it isn’t full enough of water in its tank.

The water reservoir can increase flush pressure. The tank must be empty of water before it can create flush pressure.

Chain Adjustment 

The chain could be the reason why your toilet is not flushing as fast. Through a chrome trip level, the chain attaches to the flapper seal.

The loose chain cannot open the flapper fully so enough water can’t get through the toilet bowl.

The chain opens and closes the flapper.

New Toilet Tower Flush Valve

Many people have the same issue with their new toilet. We don’t expect slow flushing with a new toilet.

It should function like a cyclone, but not in this instance. It is just as important to install a new toilet as any other mechanism.

The tower flush valve was not secured properly. This is why the new toilet flushes slowly.

Fill Tube

The Fill Tube is an integral part of a toilet’s filling system. It maintains the water level and prevents overflow.

The most common problem with fill tubes is cracks and will not fill the water tank. Thus, causing a slow flush in the toilet.

How to fix a slow flushing toilet?

Verify The Chain Length

As mentioned, flapper closing is done by the chain. Take a look at the hole in the chain hook. Place the hook in a hole one inch smaller than it was before.

Check to see if the speed of your flush has increased or decreased. If the speed of the flush increases a bit, then the hook is another way to go.

Flush the bowl again to check if water is flowing freely. If the water runs through the bowl, it means that the chain has been adjusted.

After adjusting the position of the chain, the toilet flushes normally. Except for replacing the flapper, you don’t have to do anything.

Adjust the Flapper

The main reason why the flapper does not open completely is that it is heavy. There are two options: either replace the flapper or place one floating ball near the flapper seal.

To change the flapper

  1. The universal flapper or the model number of your toilet is the best option.
  2. Turn the clockwise direction to turn off the water supply line at the toilet.
  3. Take off the tank lid and flush the contents as best as you can.
  4. Then, take the chain off the flush lever.
  5. Next, remove the flapper from its pivot arm mount pegs.
  6. To ensure a tight seal, wipe the seal from the valve seat.
  7. Next, align your flapper valve with pegs at the overflow tube positioning. Finally, place the flapper over the drain.
  8. You can clip the chain to the flush lever, leaving some chain slack.
  9. Push down on the flush lever until the flapper range is at the right setting.
  10. It may be necessary to adjust the length of your chain to make it work.
  11. To turn the water line anticlockwise, turn on the switch.
  12. Allow the tank to refill. The flapper valve seal must form a tight seal to prevent water from escaping the tank or draining into the bowl.
  13. Finally, put the lid back on.

Attach A Float Ball

This trick is for flappers that are brand new but don’t want to replace them. Attach a float ball or any Thermocol (polystyrene) material to the flapper chain.

These floating objects help to open the heavy flapper wide.

Fill the Tank

If you are still having trouble with one of the methods above, get a fill tube.

The fill tube is used to fill the toilet tank with water. It may need to be replaced if it cracks or becomes damaged by accident.

  1. Install a new fill valve. Shut off the waterline. Flush the toilet to empty it.
  2. Take off the ballcock and lid. Next, dry the tank wall with a sponge or old towel.
  3. Set a bucket under the fill tube line, and use an adjustable wrench to tighten the fill valve’s mounting bolt.
  4. Take out the fill valve carefully.
  5. Adjust the fill valve’s height to make sure the marking is at least 1 inch higher than the toilet overflow tube.
  6. Place the new fill valve in the tank and tighten the lock nut.
  7. Reattach the ankle adaptor to the refill tube, trim the tube and attach the refill tube to your overflow pipe.
  8. Connect the water supply line to the tank as it fills. Check the water level and leakage. Finally, flush the tank once to verify the flushing speed.
how to fix a slow flushing toilet

Home Remedies To Fix A Slow Flushing Toilet

Hot Water and Liquid Dishwash

Pour 2 to 3 cups of liquid dishwasher into a bowl. Then, add one gallon of hot water.

Pour directly into the bowl to flush away any leftovers. You can remove any remaining clogs in the drain pipes with hot water or a dishwasher.

The toilet will then flush faster.

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt can be used to enhance beauty and health. Additionally, it can also be used in the toilet.

  1. For a better outcome, take only one plunge.
  2. Add one cup of Epsom Salt to the bowl immediately.
  3. Allow the salt to become bubbly and soapy.
  4. Magnesium and sulfate react with water and dirt.
  5. Let it sit for at least one hour before adding hot water.
  6. Then, flush the toilet.
  7. You can make your own detergent by mixing two parts baking soda with one part detergent.
  8. You can also use soap to clean the drain.

Green Gobbler Ultimate Drain Cleaner

Green Gobbler Ultimate Drain cleaner is the best clog remover. You can use this all-in-one pack from the kitchen sink up to the deep drain of the toilet.

Green Gobbler is made in the USA. It is made from plants and is non-toxic to the health.

Green Gobbler, which is also non-inflammable, is the best option for drain opening.

Wrapping Up

Slow flushing toilets can be a problem in many homes. However, don’t worry if it’s causing you problems. That is why we gathered these tips and tricks to help you fix a slow flushing toilet. Examine each of these factors. If none of them work, consult a plumbing expert.

Your toilet may make unusual sounds like gurgling or a squeak when it flushes. This is because there isn’t enough airflow in your sewer pipes for water to flow freely between valves.

Safety is paramount when working on home improvements. It is best to leave the work to professionals if you are not confident.

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