Last Updated on August 24, 2022 by acechapman
For a better flushing experience, toilet jets are essential. After you flush, the water flows through the toilet jets to wash away any waste. However, for various reasons, toilet jets can become clogged with limescale and other foreign matter, which decreases the flow rate. While it is possible to clean the tank and bowl of limescale, jets can be difficult to clean. How can you remove the limescale buildup in toilet jets that damage your toilet?
You don’t need to worry. There is a way to get rid of limescale in every corner of the toilet or toilet jets.
How to remove limescale from the toilet jets?
All the tips listed below are homemade, safe, non-toxic, and effective.
Vinegar is an all-time favorite product for cleaning. This product is sure to be a favorite of yours. Vinegar has 5-8 percent of acetic acid per volume, and the flavor can vary. White vinegar is best for best results.
What You Need
- White Vinegar
- Baking soda is an option
- Duct Tape
- Gloves
- Brush for small wires
- Spray Bottle
- Use protective gloves. Shut off the water supply to the toilet and flush it.
- Take an old rag and wipe the bowl under the rim with it.
- Use the wire brush to brush the toilet jets as much as possible.
- Then, clean it up and dry it again.
- Stick the duct tape to the hole in the jets.
- Make sure to secure the duct tape.
- Now, dissolve one part of vinegar with ten parts of water and pour the mixture into a tank
- Once the mixture is flubbed, it will run through the jets hole. However, it will be stuck to the rim with duct tape.
- Mix vinegar and water in a small bowl. Pour it into the tank and cover with a lid
- Add vinegar to the bowl and spread it with a brush.
- Add baking soda to the mixture (sprinkle baking soap on the stains).
- Wait overnight. You can also use vinegar to clean the toilet.
- Slowly untie it the next morning.
- It is possible to see the brownish cloudy water rising out.
- Finally, turn off the water supply, flush the toilet severally, and make sure there is no vinegar residue.
You need to clean the siphon jets from under the toilet rim once a week.
Normal cleaning will not remove it. Even if the minerals build up over a long period of time, it is impossible to get rid of them.
It is expensive to hire a plumber and have your house cleaned. This is why you should make it a habit of using this method at least once r twice a week.
Muriatic Acid
A muriatic acid, a dilute form of Hydrogen Chloride Alc. This is another option for cleaning limescale from the toilet siphon jets.
The good news about muriatic acid is that it can also kill bacteria and mold.
Before you work with Muriatic Acid, there are some precautions.
- Good ventilation is important.
- While cleaning, be sure to reach out to seniors and children.
- Wearing eyeglasses will protect your eyes from the harmful effects of Muriatic Acid.
- Wear heavy-duty gloves and a respirator.
What You Need:
- High-Quality Muriatic Acid
- Funnel
- Baking soda
- Bucket
- Toilet Brush
- Tissue paper or cotton
- Duct Tape
- Stop the water supply to the tank.
- All protective measures such as eyeglasses, gloves, and a respirator.
- It takes time to dilute the acid in water
- One cup of Muriatic acid, 10 portions (or more than half a bucket) of water
- Slowly pour the mixture into the funnel’s overflow tube.
- Tape all the duct tape to the siphon jet. Flush once
- Muriatic Acid will break down all crystals and sediments.
- Set it for two hours or overnight.
- Then, add the baking soda overflow tube, bowl, or other ingredients.
- Allow the mixture to neutralize.
- Then, flush the toilet completely 2 to 3 times.
The solution pH balance should be acidic when using Muriatic Acid. Do not use a solution that is too acidic for the septic tank.
Acid destroys good bacteria and enzymes that are responsible for the human waste breakdown.
Before flushing, add baking soda to make the solution neutral. How do you determine if the solution pH is neutral?
You can see the formation of bubbles when you add the baking soda. These bubbles will form when the pH becomes acidic. When you add baking soda to it, the solution stops producing bubbles. This neutral solution is safe for your toilet.
But don’t go overboard with baking soda. It will overflow. You should only add a small amount at a given time.
Yes. You can also use CLR to clean toilet jets.
- Turn off the water supply, and flush the toilet.
- Stick Duct tape on the jets
- Use a funnel to pour CLR into the tube.
- Half-flush the toilet to flush away all CLR. Secure them with duct tape.
- Let it sit for 30 minutes, then remove the tape and flush your toilet.
CLR is a commercial product that easily removes calcium deposits that are hard to reach.
Wrapping Up
Limescale is the leading issue when it comes to toilets. Hard water, which increases the limit of minerals causes limescale to build up.
Iron, calcium, and other hard water minerals can build up over time, causing small crystal particles to settle at the tank, siphon jets, or toilet base.
You can either replace your water softener or increase the filtration rate to prevent this from happening. Additionally, you can do a deep clean at home every once or two weeks to remove limescale from your toilet. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on commercial products.
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