How To Replace A Flush Valve In The Toilet?

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Last Updated on January 12, 2023 by acechapman

Toilets have their own problems. A leaking or defective toilet flush valve is one of them. It is time to replace your toilet flush valve if it stops working or if there is a leak.

Although it isn’t difficult to replace a toilet flush valve, it can take patience. You will need to remove the toilet tank from the bowl. The porcelain tank could crack if it isn’t handled carefully.

You should ensure that you buy the right size flush valve for your toilet. To ensure that you get the right size, it is a good idea to bring the old flush valve with you to the hardware store. You can ask the clerk at the hardware store for advice on the right flush valve for you.

What is a flush valve in the toilet?

A flush valve is a component of a toilet that controls the flow of water from the tank to the toilet bowl when the toilet is flushed. It is located at the bottom of the toilet tank, and it is typically composed of a flush lever, a lift arm, and a flapper or ballcock.

The flush lever is the handle on the outside of the toilet tank that is used to initiate a flush. When the flush lever is pressed, it raises the lift arm which in turn pulls the flapper or ballcock valve open, allowing water to flow from the tank into the toilet bowl. Once the water level in the tank has dropped to a certain level, the flapper or ballcock will close, stopping the flow of water into the bowl and refilling the tank.

how to replace a flush valve

How does a toilet flush valve work?

A chain or lifting wire attached to the grip rod pulls down the flap from the valve when the handle or button of the toilet is pressed. This allows water to drain out of the reservoir and into your toilet bowl. One of the most frustrating problems with the toilet tank is water leaking through the flush valve into the porcelain bowl. Leakage in the valve causes water to continue to fall into the tank, causing the toilet fill valves to attempt to refill it again.

The fill valve for a traditional toilet is simple to operate. It’s a tube that has a shut-off valve and connects to the tank’s water supply through a connector at its bottom. The valve is connected to an air-filled cup that starts floating in the tank when the tank’s water level reaches a certain height. The valve is shut off by the floating cup or ball.

When should you replace a toilet flush valve?

The toilet valves can often wear out. How do you tell if your toilet flush valve needs replacement?

Humming Sounds

The valve can become brittle or sloppy if the metal parts of an old ballcock-style fill valve are not removed. The water pressure can cause some unpleasant sounds.

A faint, droning, or humming sound is the first sign that liquid isn’t flowing as smoothly as it should.

Worn Out Flapper 

Leakage can slowly empty the tank, forcing the fill valve to continue running. However, if the valve wears out, the toilet may stop working. You can check if the flapper works by placing color in the tank.

Wait a few hours before you place the dye in the cistern. Expect to see a change in color. Your valve is good if the color changes. If the color doesn’t change, it’s a problem with your fill valve.

Higher-water Level

A tank with a higher water level than normal is another sign of a defective water valve. This is a sign that the valve may be defective. You might be able to change the valve instead of throwing it out.

How to Replace a Toilet Flush Valve

Materials required:

how to replace a flush valve


You don’t need to hire a plumber to replace a flush valve. It is easy to do yourself and not difficult. Let’s take a look at the steps to replace your toilet flush valve.

  • Turn off the water supply to your toilet before you can replace it.
  • Remove as much liquid from the reservoir tank as possible. Hold the flush lever down until it is completely flushed.
  • Remove the brackets, flush the lever chain, and the old flapper. Make sure to remove all guide wires from your tank.
  • The flush valve regulates liquid movement downwards into the porcelain bowl. It will likely be either a rubber flapper or a spherical arrangement within the tank.
  • Get rid of as much water as possible. Use a sponge, loofah, or cloth to absorb any remaining water.
  • Clean the drain valve seat using steel wool or sandpaper.
  • The sealant ring will have paper on its top. It is important to ensure that it is not in an awkward place before you remove it. Place it at 45 degrees towards the tank’s main front.
  • Now, remove the paper from the seal ring once it has been in the correct position. Once you have found the perfect spot, carefully remove the top of your sealant ring. Place the flapper component over the sealant rings and press down to secure it.
  • Attach the chain connector clasp to the flush rod’s nearest hole. Next, attach the plastic chain to the hook with enough slack for movement.
  • Turn on the water supply and wait for it to fill up before flushing. Check it to make sure it’s working. If the chain is not functioning, adjust it and cut the excess chain links.


It wasn’t difficult! You can quickly replace your toilet’s valve with the right kit. Although toilets can sometimes be irritating, we cannot afford to make them worse. It will be more costly to get a new one.

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