How To Use A Dual Flush Toilet?

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Last Updated on September 7, 2022 by acechapman

What is a Dual Flush Toilet?

Dual flush toilets allow the user to choose between two water levels, depending on whether they wish to flush liquids or solids. They typically use less water for flushing liquids, and slightly more to flush solid wastes. Let’s find out how to use a dual flush toilet.

Bruce Thomson was working at Caroma when he invented dual flush toilets. However, they can now be manufactured by almost any toilet manufacturer. Dual flush toilets typically have flush buttons that are mounted on the top of the tank lid, although some use trip levers.

How to Use a Dual Flush Toilet

Push the small button to flush liquids, and the big to flush solids to use a dual-flush toilet. The flushing handle of a dual flush toilet will indicate how to push it. To indicate that the toilet has less water, some toilets have a green color option.

Water efficiency is the main benefit of a dual flush toilet rather than a single flush. Single flush toilets use the same amount of water regardless of whether you are flushing liquids or solids. Dual flush toilets use less water to flush liquid wastes.

Dual flush toilets have a problem in that the flush valve seal can easily wear, warp, or get obstructed by debris. Water can leak continuously from the tank to the bowl when this happens.

how to use a dual flush toilet

Dual Flush Toilet Vs Single Flush Toilet

How is the dual flush toilet different from a single flush toilet?


Dual flush toilets use 2 volumes of water per flush, while single flush toilets only require 1 volume of water for flushing solid and liquid wastes. A dual flush toilet, for example, will have a rating of 1/1.6 GPF, while a single-flush toilet will have a rating of 1.28 GPF. The dual flush toilet can use either 1 or 1.6 gallons per toilet, while a single-flush toilet can use only 1.28 gallons.


Dual flush toilets usually have two buttons at the top of the lid. These buttons are used for flushing the toilet. Single flush toilets, on the other hand, have a flushing handle mounted on either the side or front of the toilet tank.


A large valve controls how much water flows into the bowl of a dual flush toilet. It is located inside the tank. The dual flush valve is located on top of the opening to the flush valve. It has a rubber seal that prevents water from running into the bowl while the toilet isn’t in use.

A long arm is located inside the tank of a single flush toilet. It connects to the flushing handle. The toilet flapper is connected to the arm by a chain and the lift chain is attached to the toilet flapper. Water runs down to the bowl when the toilet is flushed. The handle can be released and the flapper will return to its original position.

Some old single flush toilets use float ball fill valves, but many modern flush toilets use the float cup fill valves just like dual flush toilets.


What are the advantages of a dual flush toilet rather than a single flush?


A dual flush toilet’s primary purpose is to conserve water. Most people use the toilet to flush liquids many times more than they do to flush solids. A dual flush toilet will save you a lot of water by reducing the number of trips to the bathroom.

Dual flush toilets can reduce water consumption by up to 60%, according to researchers. The Kohler Highline Comfort dual flush toilet, which is one of the most popular toilet manufacturers, can save as much as 4000 gallons per year according to Kohler.

Dual flush toilets are therefore more efficient than single flush toilets, which is a huge win for the environment.


Dual flush toilets are more efficient than single-flush toilets, which results in lower water bills. What amount of money could you save each year if you used 4000 gallons less water for each toilet you own?

Although you won’t make a fortune installing a dual flush toilet, it will save you money from the high cost of water bills.


Dual flush toilets, especially those with flush buttons, look more stylish and modern than single flush toilets that only have a handle.

While the handle of a single flush toilet looks a little distracting, the flush buttons give the dual flush toilet an elegant design that is both beautiful and easy to clean.


This would not be an important factor to most people buying a dual flush toilet. However, it might be motivating for some to purchase one if they have very limited space in their bathroom.

A single flush toilet will require more space because the handle is likely to be located on the tank’s side. A dual flush toilet is the best choice for those situations where every inch counts.


Dual flush toilets can have problems just as single flush toilets. Let’s take a look at the problems associated with dual flush toilets.


Dual flush toilets can sometimes have a problem where you push the flush button but it does not go straight up. This can cause your toilet to run non-stop if you don’t pay attention.

This is due to dirt or minerals trapped underneath the flush buttons. You can fix this problem by removing the tank lid and placing it on a sink. Run water to clean the buttons. If the buttons are not moving properly, you can use vinegar or dish soap with a sponge.


While a defective fill valve could cause a running dual flush toilet, it is usually caused by a faulty flush valve seal. It could be worn, damaged, or blocked by mineral deposits and debris.

how to use a dual flush toilet


These are all the other things you need to consider before buying a dual toilet type.


When purchasing a dual flush toilet, the first thing to consider is the material. Toilets are usually made of two materials: porcelain and plastic. Porcelain is the most popular type because it is easy to make and has a watertight seal.

Porcelain is very strong. There are plastic ones available, but, it’s uncommon because high-quality plastic toilets are difficult to make. Because it is difficult to incorporate the bells and whistles of porcelain into a highly resilient plastic material, smart toilets are often made.

Smart toilets will also be more costly due to the manufacturing difficulties and additional features such as night lights, heated seats, and automatic flushing.

Flush Mechanism

The flushing mechanism is what makes the dual flush toilet unique. The traditional toilet only allows one flush for liquid and one for solid waste. The dual flush, however, is different because it offers a flush option that you can use for both liquid and solid wastes.

The liquid flush also uses half of the water that you would use for solid waste. A special flush valve regulates how much water remains in the tank. Many valves have special components that are specifically designed to release different water volumes.

This design will ensure that water conservation is observed, thereby saving water every year.

Water Use

Your household water consumption is approximately 30 percent. Your toilet is the primary source of home water consumption. A healthy person will eliminate liquid waste four times faster than they would solid waste. This means that they use at least twice as much water to flush out waste with a dual flush system.

Dual flush toilets will ensure that you don’t waste any water. You can save at least 67% if you use only 1.0 gallons of water to flush the fluids. This can save you up to 20 percent of your water bill.

Shape and Size

Elongated and round-shaped bowls are available. Round toilets are smaller by about 1 to 3 inches. They are also less expensive than their longer counterparts. This toilet is also compact and can be used in small bathrooms.

These bowls also take up very little space in your bathroom. This type of bowl has another advantage: it is easier to follow the Americans with Disabilities Guidelines. The toilet must have at most 2 inches of frontal space.

However, an elongated bowl is more comfortable than a round one. Despite being slightly more costly, they are still very popular. But, you will need to have a bathroom that is larger.


There are many styles to suit your needs and preference to choose from, including modern, transitional, traditional, as well as modern dual flush toilets. There are many types of dual flush toilets, which add variety.

Keep in mind that the type of toilet you choose affects your bathroom’s appearance. One-piece toilets, for example, make the bathroom appear sleeker. They are therefore ideal for contemporary and modern homes.

Wall-mount toilets are a great choice for modern and contemporary homes due to their clean, sleek design. Two-piece toilets, on the other hand, offer more design options. They will complement any interior design style you may have.

Most toilets come in a standard white color. Depending on which brand you choose, you can get different colors and shades. There are many shades of off-white, as well as white hues. You can also get antique or glossier finishes.


The elongated, bowl-shaped toilets offer more comfort than their round counterparts. It would be helpful to consider the height of the toilet that you purchase. For most toilets, 14.5 inches is the standard height between the toilet seat rim and the floor.

This height is ideal for children, as well as people of average or slightly shorter height. A taller toilet is best for people with disabilities, restricted mobility, or who are very tall. In this instance, between 17 and 19 inches is the best height.

According to the ADA standard, this comfort height toilet is for tall people. This comfort height is also suitable for people with limited mobility or those who can’t bend or squat. Comfort height is ideal for those who struggle to stand at low levels.


How much do you want to spend? You must decide how much money you are willing to spend before you start shopping for your next toilet. There are many brands and types of toilets between $200 and $800 available on the market.

Set a price and stick with it. You can expect more features from the most expensive toilets. You should also consider the cost of installation as you may need to hire a professional to install most toilets.

Wrapping Up

You now have all the information necessary to buy a dual flush toilet. Don’t hesitate to get one for your bathroom. Dual flush toilets were not the best solution to water waste initially. However, modern, more efficient models with modern plumbing can help save significant water. To prevent any leaks, make sure that you buy a quality model.

You can also save water by conserving it. Even though renovations may be expensive, they will help you save a lot of money in the long term.

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