Niagara Stealth Toilet Review

2.2/5 - (93 votes)

Last Updated on December 1, 2022 by acechapman

The Niagara Stealth is really the ultimate in a water-conserving toilet. This toilet uses just 0.8 gallons per full flush. Niagara even claims that their very highly efficient flushing system thoroughly clears the bowl on the first flush every time. Therefore, there is no need to use a double flush. Although this is a very technologically advanced toilet in terms of water consumption, it looks very much like many other similar two-piece toilets. Let’s take a closer look at the Niagara Stealth toilet review.

Niagara Stealth Toilet: Review


The Niagara Stealth, manufactured from vitreous china, looks very much like a standard two-piece toilet with an elongated bowl. Its clever bits of this toilet though is hidden from view. Specifically, this is the most frugal and water-efficient toilet thanks to the very well-engineered flushing system.

Flushing System

niagara stealth toilet review

Not only does this toilet use just 0.8 gallons of water on a full flush it is also very quiet at the same time. A toilet that meets the Water Sense certification (1.28 GPF) is classed as HET (high-efficiency toilet). Niagara Stealth is the only toilet that is classed as U-HET (Ultra-high efficiency toilet). The efficiency of the flush increases with the addition of an air channel between the waste pipe and the cistern. When the toilet is flushed, the air pressure differential causes the waste pipe to act as a siphon. Thus, helping to draw the waste down the pipe with a greater force.


The Niagara Stealth claims that even with its incredibly low water usage. It will clean the bowl first, then flush every time without the need for a second flush. To qualify for the Water Sense certification as a high-efficiency toilet, the toilet must be capable of flushing 350g of miso paste per 1.28-gallon flush. The Stealth is capable of flushing 600g of miso paste with only 0.8 gallons of water.


The Niagara Stealth has the lowest consumption of any toilet currently on the market. It is the only U-HET toilet available. The Stealth is Water Sense certified. This means that in many areas rebates are given for buying this toilet, check here for eligibility.

Ease of Installation

The toilet uses a standard 12” rough into the waste pipe. Its installation is similar to other standard toilets. Although most toilets do not come with a waste seal, the Niagara Stealth does not come with the bolts to fix the toilet to the floor.

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Niagara Stealth Toilet Pros & Cons


  • Ultra-High-Efficiency Flush
  • Uses just 0.8 gallons per flush (GPF)
  • Water Sense certified
  • Extremely quiet flush
  • ADA-compliant with a toilet seat (which must be purchased separately) fixed in place.


  • The only drawback with the Niagara Stealth is that it does not come with the bolts to attach the toilet to the floor

Overall                4.7/5

Niagara Stealth Toilet is very competitive in price. But, it can also save you even more money if you are in an area that is part of the Water Sense rebate scheme. Additionally, you will go on saving money on your water bills for the life of the toilet. The system used to create the high-efficiency flush is also very quiet, much more so than many other high-efficiency toilets. This toilet also has an ADA certification. That means that it can also be installed in restrooms for employees’ or the general public’s use. Hope you enjoyed reading our Niagara Stealth Toilet review.

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