Push Button Toilet Won’t Flush. How To Fix It?

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Last Updated on December 30, 2022 by acechapman

Every residential and commercial building should have a functional and clean toilet. Not only is it frustrating, but it can also lead to high utility bills and costly water damage repair. Newer toilets have push-button flushing mechanisms that work differently from older models. You might encounter numerous flushing problems, such as a push-button toilet that won’t flush from time to time.

If your push-button toilet won’t flush, there could be a number of possible causes. It could be a problem with the button itself, the flapper valve, the fill valve, or the water supply line.

Sometimes, no matter how hard you push the button, the mechanism may fail and feel less secure than normal. In this case, the flush stopped working. This is when you will need to call a plumber in your area to fix your toilet. No matter where your toilet is located, the process of fixing a malfunctioning push button in your toilet is the exact same. This article will cover all aspects of push-button toilet problems. It also explains how to fix them quickly.

push button toilet won't flush

Common Causes of a Push Button Toilet That Won’t Flush And How To Fix It

Here are some causes of a bush button toilet that is not flushing. Also, how to fix it like a pro.

The water level is low

The push-button flash mechanism may not work if the water level in the toilet’s tank drops below the top. If the water level is less than 2 inches above the top of your toilet’s overflow tube, the push button will not respond to you pressing it. Even if there is no pressure problem, sometimes the water level may be too low to allow the push button to work properly. This is most common if the water valve has been turned off. If the water level is too low, the toilet won’t flush all of the waste.

This push-button problem can be solved by having the correct tank level. To help users identify the correct water level, some toilet manufacturers include a marking on the tank. You should verify that the water level has reached the mark on the tank. If the water level was manually adjusted, you should return it to the manufacturer’s recommended water level.

Toilet is clogged

Toilet paper and sanitary towels can clog the toilet. To avoid clogging your toilet, you should only use toilet paper and not wipes or any other hard paper. Too much toilet paper and sanitary napkins can clog your toilet’s plumbing system.

Small clogs and debris can block the flow of a flush. This can lead to a weak flush. Every time you flush your toilet, water will return to the flange. This can cause a stench in your bathroom. Modern toilets that are non-clogging may cause a weak flush and not a blocked toilet.

You can fix the problem by unclogging the toilet pipe manually using a metal rod. To check if the toilet flushes properly, use a drain plunger for approximately 20 seconds. If product corrosion is causing the blockage, it can be difficult to manually unclog the piping walls.

Next, you can turn off the water supply to your toilet and add hot water to the bowl. Allow the hot water to sit in the bowl for a while before flushing it down the toilet. If this doesn’t work, contact a professional plumber.

push button toilet won't flush

The Toilet Flapper is warped

The rubber flapper is located under the lid of the toilet and is used to release water when the push button is pressed or pushed. Your toilet’s flushing mechanism may be compromised if the rubber flapper becomes bent or warped.

The rubber ball prevents the toilet from overflowing by rising to seal the water intake hole as the water rises in its tank. The adjustment screw can be turned to raise the float.

First, ensure that the flapper chain is the correct length and working correctly to fix the damaged flapper. This means that the flapper will close the toilet hole when the toilet isn’t in flush mode. You can also adjust the length of your chain to ensure that the chain does not slack too much or too little. To fix the problem, the length of your chain must be right.

Inlet Holes are blocked

Blockage of the toilet inlet holes can severely impact your monthly utility bills. You’ll lose a lot more water than you could have used for flushing. Checking for leakages at the toilet bowl’s sides is the best way to determine if you are losing water. You can also check if water is flowing straight down or diagonally. A stream of water from your toilet bowl can cause severe water damage in your home. You can use an ordinary mirror to assess the level of obstruction under the toilet seat and check the condition of the water intake holes.

Pour hot vinegar into the toilet’s overflow tube. Let it sit for several hours before unblocking the holes using an Allen wrench or wire. Recurring problems such as bacteria and mineral deposits can block the inlet holes of the toilet’s tank, causing it to stop flushing. This means that you must regularly inspect and unblock the inlet holes. If your water is hard, you might consider buying a water softener.

Sometimes, a poor installation or design of the toilet drains can cause a push-button toilet to malfunction. To avoid water pooling in your pipes, ensure that the drain slopes downward. To ensure that wastewater flows down the main sewer line, a professional plumber can design the drains.


A modern, push-button toilet can be a great addition to your bathroom. However, it can be frustrating to deal with a push-button toilet that won’t flush. If your push-button toilet won’t flush, there are several possible causes that you can troubleshoot and fix on your own. These include checking the water level in the tank, ensuring the flapper valve is open and functioning properly, and checking the fill valve for any issues. If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, it may be necessary to call a professional plumber for assistance. By following these steps, you can get your push button toilet flushing properly again in no time.

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