TOTO Aquia Toilet Review

2.5/5 - (20 votes)

Last Updated on December 1, 2022 by acechapman

TOTO Aquia toilet is a close-coupled two-piece design. On the top of the tank are two chrome buttons that trigger either of the two flushes. The toilet with a seat (which must be purchased separately) is what Toto refers to as ‘universal height’.

This means that the shape and height of the toilet seat meet the requirements of the ADA specifications. But, due to having a flush triggered by buttons rather than a lever, the toilet is not fully compliant.

Let’s read all the details on this Toto Aquia review page!

Toto Aquia Toilet: Review


The TOTO Aquia is made from vitreous china, with a chrome dual button flush trigger on the top of the tank.

This toilet has a semi-skirted base that has a clean look design. But, does not run the risk of interfering with the water supply pipe from the wall. The design is different than other Toto Toilet models.

Flushing System

Toto Aquia toilet uses a Dual-Max flushing system. It allows for either a full 1.6 gallons flush or a 0.9-gallon flush. This dual flush allows the toilet to meet the EPA Water Sense requirements.

See other dual flush toilet models comparison chart.


One of the specifications to meet Water Sense requirements is that the toilet can remove a set amount of solid waste in a single flush. The Toto Aquia exceeds these specifications.


With a choice of either a full flush of 1.6 gallons or a partial flush of 0.9 gallons, the Toto Aquia meets the stringent requirements for the EPA Water Sense certification for dual flush toilets.

This means that over a series of tests the water consumption must be no more than 80% of the 1.6 GPF, i.e. no more than 1.28 GPF. Toto Aquia toilet is well within that requirement with an average of 1.1 GOF.

This lower consumption meant that in certain localities buyers of this best toilet are eligible for a rebate from their utility providers.

Ease of Installation

Toto Aquia toilet requires a standard 12” rough-in from the wall to the center of the waste pipe and uses a 2 1/8” trap seal. Installation is very straightforward and similar to any standard conventional two-piece toilet.

Being in two pieces makes the toilet base lighter and easier to install for one person. This toilet needs toilet seat securing screws and a waste trap seal to complete the installation.

Check The Price on Amazon!

Toto Aquia Toilet Pros & Cons


  • toto aquia toiletWater Sense certified
  • Universal height – meets the height and bowl shape requirements of ADA legislation (but does not meet the flush lever requirement)
  • The dual flush of 1.6 GPF and 0.9 GPF
  • The semi-skirted design gives the clean appearance of a skirted toilet without problems of interfering with the water supply
  • 1-year limited warranty


  • Does not fully meet ADA specifications and cannot, therefore, be installed in restrooms that are for the general public or employees’ use.

Overall – 4.2/5

The TOTO Aquia review shows a competitive price for a two-piece toilet that performs well. But, thanks to the skirting around the base look similar to many pricy models.

Being in two separate pieces makes the base of the toilet easier to position and install on the floor, prior to fitting the tank. It deserves to be one of the best toilets in the market.

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