TOTO Ultramax II Toilet Review

2.3/5 - (27 votes)

Last Updated on December 2, 2022 by acechapman

The TOTO Ultramax II is a smooth curved one-piece toilet with a single, lever-operated flush. Unlike many other toilets, this toilet is supplied complete with a soft close seat. The height of the seat, the elongated bowl design, and the lever-operated flush all combine to make the Ultramax II ADA-compliant.

The low consumption flush of 1.28 gallons per flush (GPF) means that this toilet is Water Sense certified. This Water Sense certification allows for rebates on water-conserving toilets in many areas. Keep reading TOTO Ultramax II Toilet Review to see the pros and cons of the product.

Toto Ultramax II Toilet: Review


toto ultramax ii toiletThe Toto Ultramax II toilet is made from vitreous china and has the Toto SanaGloss finish to reduce staining and the buildup of bacteria and microbes. The single-action flush is operated by a chrome-plated trip lever. The toilet design complies with ADA specifications.

Flushing System

This toilet has a single flush. The toilet uses Toto’s Double Cyclone flushing system that pulls the flush water into the toilet and causes it to exit with a greater force to enable complete clearance of waste in a single flush.


The Double Cyclone flushing design combined with the SanaGloss finish help ensure that the toilet effectively clears waste with just one flush. After the flush, the SanaGloss finish carries on working to reduce the buildup of water stains and reduce the growth of bacteria and microbes. This reduction means that the toilet will stay cleaner for longer and reduce the amount and frequency of manual cleaning required.


The toilet consumes only 1.28 gallons of water on every flush. This low water consumption combined with the capacity of the toilet to clear waste complies with EPA Water Sense specifications. Toilets that are Water Sense certified can, in many locations, be eligible for rebates. Check out the EPA Water Sense webpage for further details and rebate-eligible locations.

Ease of Installation

This toilet uses a standard 12” rough into the waste pipe. The 12” is measured from the wall to the center of the pipe. Being a single-piece toilet, it weighs more than the base of a two-piece toilet. This weight can cause a little more difficulty when initially locating the toilet to the waste pipe. However, the toilet is a very quick and straightforward installation. Don’t forget to make sure to use a new toilet seal for the installation.

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Toto Ultramax II Toilet Pros & Cons


  • Supplied complete with a soft close seat and lid
  • Single piece design
  • ADA compliant
  • Water sense certified
  • 1-year limited warranty


  • Some users have commented that the contours of the bowl can cause a shadow near the water line. They said it looks like a slight stain.
  • The footprint of the toilet is slightly larger than that of some older toilets

Overall                4.5/5

The TOTO Ultramax 2 is a highly efficient ADA-compliant toilet that meets Water Sense certification by having a high cleaning capacity per flush while only using 1.28 gallons of water. The SanaGloss finish helps keep the toilet cleaner for longer, this reduces the frequency of you having to clean it yourself.

At first sight, this toilet may look a little more expensive than many comparable toilets but it does come complete with a soft close seat and lid. Having to buy a separate seat can add another $40 or so to the cost of a toilet. If you live in an eligible area, the Water Sense rebate can reduce the cost further. Thus, making this toilet much more competitive in price. Compare the product with our top-rated toilets page!

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