TOTO Vespin II Toilet Review

5/5 - (3 votes)

Last Updated on December 2, 2022 by acechapman

The Toto Vespin II Toilet is a two-piece toilet with an elongated bowl shape and universal seat height. The bowl shape and seat height combined with a chrome trip lever mean that the toilet is ADA compliant and, as long as the trip lever is on the approach side of the toilet, can fit in restrooms for public or employee use. Let’s read TOTO Vespin II Toilet Review in detail!

The high-efficiency double cyclone flushing system, using only 1.28 gallons of water per flush, complies with the EPA Water Sense certification requirements. The SanaGloss finish to the toilet (now they call it CeFiONtec in some Toto literature) keeps the bowl cleaner for longer. Thus, reducing the frequency you need to manually clean the toilet.

Toto Vespin II Toilet: Review

Design / Materials

The Vespin II toilet is a two-piece construction with a skirted bowl. This toilet is made from vitreous china with a SanaGloss finish. The SanaGloss finish helps keep the toilet cleaner and reduces the need for as much manual cleaning.

Flushing System

The toilet uses a highly efficient flushing design. The Dual Cyclone also known as Tornado Flush, forces water through two jets to increase the efficiency of the flush. This allows the toilet to clean effectively using only 1.28 gallons per flush (GPF).


The flushing system used, combined with the SanaGloss finish to the toilet ensures a high standard of cleaning every flush. In addition, the surface finish helps prevent the buildup of stains and the growth of mold and bacteria. Overall, this combination reduces the frequency with which you have to manually clean the toilet.


With water consumption of only 1.28 gallons per flush and the efficiency of that low volume flush at clearing the waste on the first flush, the toilet is EPA Water Sense certified as a high-efficiency toilet (HET). What this means for you is that, depending on your location, you will be eligible to get a significant rebate on your water bill. Check the EPA Water Sense website for included locations.

Ease of Installation

The toilet comes with a standard 12” rough-in, although there is an optional 10” or 14” rough-in available as an additional purchase. As this toilet has a skirted design there is a small possibility that you may need to relocate your water supply outlet to avoid it interfering with the skirt. Check here to see the dimensions of the toilet and the water outlet position on page 2 of this pdf. With that in mind, the toilet is a very simple and quick install. Don’t forget that you will need both a new seal and a toilet seat to complete the installation.

Check The Price on Amazon!

Toto Vespin II Toilet Pros & Cons


  • ADA complianttoto vespin ii toilet
  • Water sense certified
  • Two-piece toilet
  • Chrome trip lever
  • SanaGloss finish
  • The dual Cyclone flushing system
  • Clean-looking skirted design
  • Optional 10” or 14” rough-in is available
  • 1-year limited warranty can be activated online.


  • A small number of users said that there is an occasional splash back when flushing the toilet.

Overall                4.6/5

The Toto Vespin II is a very well-designed toilet. One of the major benefits is that if you do not have a standard 12” rough into your waste pipe, there is the option to get a kit to suit either a 10” or a 14” rough-in. Being ADA-approved (when installed with a trip lever located on the approach side), means that this toilet is suitable for installation in restrooms used by employees or the public. Hope you enjoyed our TOTO Vespin II Toilet Review, click to see more toilets on the Toto Comparison page.  Don’t miss to check our other toilet reviews on the top list page!

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