What Is A Flushometer?

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Last Updated on November 13, 2022 by acechapman

Although you may not have heard of it, the flushometer is an important plumbing device that you will likely have seen and used.

Toilets with a flushometer, unlike most residential toilets that rely on gravity and a water tank to flush the contents of the toilet bowl, are tankless and only rely on the pressure of the water source. Most commonly, you will find flushometer toilets in public bathrooms and businesses.


A flushometer is a valve that flushes a tankless toilet using a handle, button, or motion sensor. It releases a measured amount of pressurized water directly into a toilet.

what is a flushometer

How Does A Flushometer Work?

Flushometers are most commonly used in commercial bathrooms. They sit above the tankless toilet bowl. The flushometer activates and releases water into the toilet. After that, the toilet closes again.

A single flush with the flushometer is theoretically less wasteful than a traditional tank system with fill valves. It cleans the bowl using a lower-volume, higher-pressure stream. The flushometer does not require a tank, so there is no need to refill it after each flush.

Flushometers Types

There are two types of flushometers, the diaphragm, and the piston. Both systems have the valve separated into two chambers: one large, high-pressure chamber, and one smaller, lower-pressure chamber. When the flushing mechanism activates, the piston or diaphragm is displaceable.

Each case releases water through the valve as pressure changes within the chambers. The only difference in design, however, is the choice of a rubber diaphragm (or a molded cup) between the chambers.

Flushometer Activation Mechanisms

A lever, button, or motion sensor could be used as the flushometer’s activation mechanism. Usually, an override is installed along with electronic models. Retrofitting older flushometers with battery-powered motion sensor triggers is possible.

Public restrooms can have overly sensitive flushometers that fail to flush properly multiple times, however. This can negate the potential water savings that the flushometer was designed to save.

You will find dual-flush models that offer two flush volumes. Additionally, you can choose a lower-volume flush if you need to dispose of liquid waste. If used correctly, this can reduce water consumption.

Flushometers: History

Because of these drawbacks, William Elvis Sloan’s first Royal Flushometer failed to be a huge success. Sloan established the Sloan Valve Company, in 1906. His new valve was more efficient, but customers were reluctant to change the status quo.

what is a flushometer

Is there any downside to using a flushometer?

There are some small issues with flushometers.

Flushometers may not be compatible with every plumbing system. A toilet must be capable of flushing at a lower volume. Older toilets may need 5 gallons to flush properly.

The flushometer must also function properly if water pressure is below 20 to 25 PSI. This is impossible with 3/4-inch pipes found in most homes. The system’s requirements are usually better met by commercial plumbing systems.

Fluxometers with low consumption need to be used with caution. The high pressure and large volume could damage the vacuum breaker assemblies . Also, it could cause the valve to lose its balance or break altogether.

The rubber bumper at the back-check stop that protects against low-consumption china will wear much faster.

Wrapping Up

Water conservation is a top priority worldwide. It is becoming a priority for professionals as well as eco-friendly conscious consumers. They are becoming more aware of how less water can benefit their world and their wallets.

However, the older-style commercial toilets are inefficient. They use more gallons of water per flush. You will spend thousands of dollars each year to maintain and operate them.

Therefore, it is worth replacing these outdated toilets with flushometer valve toilets. They are highly efficient and have a high performance.

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