What Is A Low-Flow Toilet?

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Last Updated on October 11, 2022 by acechapman

A low-flow toilet is a toilet that uses less water to flush out waste. These toilets are also known as modern toilets or low-flush toilets. They have been in use in the United States since 1994 when a federal regulation required that only 1.6 gallons (6 Liters) of water per flush be used. This was done to address environmental concerns. The technology has advanced significantly, even though the initial models were not perfect.

What can you save with fewer gallons per flush?

Switching to an eco-friendly toilet can help you save money, but it all depends on how old your toilet is. If your home was built before 1980, and you haven’t updated the bathrooms, it is possible that each toilet can use up to 7 gallons per flush. This is slightly more than the 1.6 gallons per toilet that low-flow toilets today use and more than five times as much as the 1.28 gallons of high-efficiency toilets. If your home was built between 1980-1994, the toilets will still use 3.5 Gallons per flush. The EPA estimates that switching to a low-flow bathroom can help you save $110 annually.

what is a low flow toilet

Are low-flow toilets suitable for you?

Low-flow toilets conserve water and reduce your water bill. However, upgrading your toilet can be a costly investment. According to HomeAdvisor, the cost of replacing an old toilet with a low-flow model is between $224 and $531.

You may need to modify your bathroom habits and even your plumbing to switch to greener toilets. A low-flow toilet requires less water and is more likely to clog than conventional toilets. This means that house occupants will have to reduce their use of toilet paper.

You will need to first check the plumbing in your older home if you want to replace your toilet with a low-flow model. Low-flow toilets use gravity as well as pressure to move waste. Therefore, the plumbing below the toilet must be steep enough to allow the toilet to function properly. You will need to hire a plumber to repair the drain. This is an additional expense.

What is an ultra-low-flush toilet?

Low-flush toilets were difficult to clean and required multiple flushes, which was counterproductive to the purpose of low-flush toilets. These complaints were quickly addressed by ultra-low-flush toilets (ULFTs), which have improved flushing and design. The improved performance was achieved with less water by using modified tanks, longer bowls, and a faster flushing speed. Rob Zimmerman is Kohler’s senior water conservation engineer.

ULFTs can be either pressurized or gravity-fed, just like conventional toilets. Industry manufacturers have taken notice of excessive flushing noises in pressurized models. Zimmerman says that the Highline Pressure Lite toilet uses 1.1 gallons of water per flush. The flush is now quieter thanks to improvements in hydraulic systems. Although it is still louder than a gravity-fed toilet, it doesn’t sound as if an airplane is taking off.

Types of Low-Flow Toilets

High-efficiency toilets (HET), and dual-flush toilets are the leaders in water conservation in the toilet industry. Major manufacturers make high-efficiency, dual-flush toilets. This includes Glacier Bay at The Home Depot and major brands like American Standard and Kohler.

High-Efficiency Toilets

A high-efficiency toilet uses 20% less water than the ultra-low-flush 1.6-gpf models or the ultra-low-flush 1.6-gpf models. It also requires 1.28 gallons per flush.

Some municipal and community water-saving incentive programs have been updated to reflect the introduction of HETs. San Diego’s HET replacements can cost up to $165 per toilet. A 1.6-gpf ULF earns $75 per fixture. HETs are highlighted under the WaterSense program by the EPA. This program approves, promotes, and labels water-efficient products, just like the Energy Star program that certifies energy-efficient units.

Low-flow Single-Flush Toilets

Low-flow single-flush toilets use just 1.6 gallons of water per flush. This is half the amount that normal-flow toilets used (3.5 gallons) before 1994. Low-flow toilets won’t save water as high-efficiency or dual-flush toilets, but they are more affordable.

Dual-Flush Toilets

Dual-flush toilets have two flush options, as their name implies. The tank lid has two buttons. One for solid waste, which flushes at an average rate of 1.6 GPF, and one for liquid waste, which flushes at an average rate of 0.8 GPF. Dual-flush toilets can save water, but they are more expensive and may prove difficult to use for some.

Pressure-Assisted Toilets 

A pressure-assisted toilet has a sealed tank that holds water and pressurizes it. The water in the toilet is forced out into the bowl by flushing. This produces a strong flush and uses only about 1.2 gallons.

what is a low flow toilet

Dual-Flush Toilets vs Single-Flush Toilets

The most commonly used toilet in homes is the low-flow single flush. They flush the toilet with 1.6 gallons per flush. There is a lever at the tank that allows you to flush the toilet.

Dual-flush toilets have two buttons at the top of their tank. The one button for liquid waste flushes 0.8 gallons while the other flushes 1.6 gallons. Dual-flush toilets are less water-intensive than single-flush ones, but they can also be more expensive and more difficult to maintain.

A kit can be purchased that allows you to transform a single-flush bathroom into a dual-flush toilet. A conversion kit won’t give existing toilets the same benefits as dual-flush toilets. It will reduce liquid wastewater consumption to 0.8 gpf. However, the toilet must still use all of the tank (and therefore its full water capacity) to flush solid waste.

Wrapping Up

A low-flow toilet can dramatically increase the efficiency of your toilets, saving you thousands of gallons each year. Although these savings might seem obvious, there are a few things you need to consider before making this upgrade. The initial cost of purchasing a low-flow toilet is significant. These toilets don’t have the same flushing power as conventional toilets, so you will need to be more careful about how much toilet paper you use. If you have an older house, it is important to verify that the drain beneath the toilet will be compatible with the low-flow models.

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