American Standard Boulevard Toilet Review

3.3/5 - (3 votes)

Last Updated on December 2, 2022 by acechapman

The American Standard Boulevard Siphonic is a very minimalist-looking toilet. It has a smooth surface and no twists and bends for dirt to collect. The dual flush system, operated by two chrome-plated push buttons in the cistern lid, as well as delivers 1.6 gallons of the main flush and 1.1 gallons of the partial flush. The flush meets the EPA Water Sense specifications. Although American Standard says, on their specification sheet that Water Sense certification is pending. This toilet comes complete with a Duroplast slow-close seat. It has an easy lift-off and re-fit feature to aid cleaning. One of the most preferred toilets by design lovers.

Let’s read the details in our American Standard Boulevard Siphonic Toilet Review!

American Standard Boulevard Toilet: Review


american standard boulevard toiletThe toilet is made of vitreous china and has the American Standard EverClean surface. With a combination of the power wash, the flush system ensures that it cleans the bowl and resists staining. The elongated bowl design, together with the seat height, meet the requirements of ADA specifications for the seat. However, the flushing system means that the toilet cannot gain full ADA approval.

Flushing System

This toilet has a high-efficiency dual flush, with a 1.6 GPF full flush and a 1.1 GPF partial flush which then enters the toilet through a 3” valve. The flush is actuated by two chrome-plated buttons located on the top of the cistern. Also, the flush is aided by the AS Power Wash rim to aid the scouring of the bowl on each flush. Watch the video by the company. Click to see more dual-flush toilets.


The flush, which releases through a large 3” flush valve, is a combination of the AS Power Wash rim. This will ensure a complete waste evacuation every flush. Also, its Ever Clean surface helps inhibits the growth of bacteria, which can cause both stains and odor. As well as helps to stop the growth of mold and mildew on the surface of the bowl.


With a 1.6 GPF main flush and a 1.1 GPF partial flush, the AS Boulevard meets the requirements to become Water Sense certified. For a dual-flush toilet, this means that the average of one full flush and two partial flushes must be no more than 1.28 GPF

Ease of Installation

The Boulevard needs a standard 12” rough into the waste pipe. As this is a one-piece toilet of an enclosed design, it may be easier if two people make the initial placement over the waste pipe. Apart from that, the installation of this toilet is very much the same as a standard toilet installation. Full AS installation instructions can be viewed here. The enclosed design of the toilet can sometimes block access to existing the water shut-off valve.

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American Standard Boulevard Toilet Pros & Cons


  • Dual flush system
  • Meets the requirements of a High-Efficiency Toilet (HET)
  • EPA Water Sense certification pending
  • Comes complete with a Duroplast Soft Close seat, with easy removal and refitting for cleaning.
  • 10-year warranty on the entire toilet


  • The enclosed design of the Boulevard toilet can sometimes interfere with the existing water supply outlet. Check with the rough-in dimensions before installation.
  • Can be awkward for one person to install

Overall                4.2/5

The American Standard Boulevard Siphonic is a very efficient toilet. It has several features built-in to help ensure a flush that clears the toilet with one go. Then, helps keep the toilet clean for longer. If you are looking to benefit from rebates for having Water Sense-approved toilets, you will need to check the up-to-date status of the EPA Water Sense certification.

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