How To Clean Toilet Siphon Jet Hole?

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Last Updated on November 29, 2022 by acechapman

The siphon jets for toilets are located under the inner bowl of the toilet. They are often overlooked until they get clogged up with bacteria and mineral deposits. These jets should be cleaned before they become a problem. Read further to learn some tips on how to clean the toilet siphon jet hole.

The siphon jets of your toilet can become clogged with bacteria, which can cause health problems. Mineral deposits, although not harmful to your health but can block the siphon jets, which can cause serious toilet problems.

This post will show you how to clean the toilet siphon jets. It is important to do this regularly.

Learn how to spot mineral deposits and bacteria on siphon jets, as well as common mistakes that you should avoid. This simple, yet essential task can be accomplished with ease – even if it’s your first time.

How do you identify bacteria and mineral deposits building up?

It is a smart idea to look at your siphon jets and check for mineral deposits buildup if you haven’t done it before.

Usually, you will see dark spots or black marks around the siphon jets of your toilet. This is a sign that there has been bacteria buildup. If this happens, you will need to clean up the bacteria by using bleach and then follow the steps.

Mineral deposits are anything that is light-colored or scaly around the siphon jets. You can use hot white vinegar to clean mineral deposits if this happens

Both problems can be present simultaneously. In this case, you will see visual indicators. You will need to clean up both the bacteria and mineral deposits around your siphon jets separately. Allow at least an hour between each task.

how to clean toilet siphon jet hole

Why should you clean your toilet’s siphon jets?

The siphon jets in your toilet are essential for flushing and refilling water. Your toilet’s siphon jets can become blocked or clogged, which can lead to a lot of other problems over time.

If these jets aren’t cleaned regularly, bacteria can easily get into your body and cause serious health problems. It doesn’t take a germaphobe or a skeptic to see that frequent use of the toilet can cause problems for your body.

How to Clean Toilet Siphon Jet Hole?

These jets can be cleaned in one of two ways: one for bacteria or one for mineral deposits. Both are quite similar, but there are some key differences between them that make it difficult to choose one over the other. Let’s start with bacteria.

How to remove bacteria from toilet siphon jets?

In the toilet’s overflow tube, pour a bleach solution.

The overflow tube for a toilet is a piece of plastic or metal that runs vertically inside the tank. A second plastic tube is usually attached to it.

One part bleach to ten parts water is the best bleach solution. Bleach can cause damage to your toilet and siphon jets, so make sure you dilute it.

Let the Bleach Solution sit, then Flush

Allow the bleach solution to sit for at least 5 minutes before you flush it through your siphon jets. The bleach solution should kill bacteria and clean the bowl of the toilet.

Clean the Siphon Jet’s Holes, and then repeat Step 1.

Use a wire to scrape all the jet holes. You can use a mirror to see what you are doing and ensure that every hole has been filled.

Use rubber gloves for this step as you’ll need to be very hands-on with cleaning the jets. After you have finished scraping the wire, you can use a chemical bowl cleaner and a scrubbing pad to clean all the jets.

Next, prepare another bleach solution and continue with step 1. Your siphon jets should now be clean of bacteria. Take a final look at them with the mirror you used earlier to check for mineral deposits. Follow the steps below if you find any of these mineral deposits.

How to remove mineral deposits from toilet siphon jets?

how to clean toilet siphon jet hole

In the toilet’s overflow tube, pour hot white vinegar.

You can refer to Step 1 for cleaning bacteria if you are unsure of the location of your toilet’s overflow tubes. This step is basically the same as Step 1 for cleaning bacteria from your siphon jets. However, it uses a different liquid.

Vinegar, unlike bleach, will not cause any harm to your toilet. You don’t need to dilute with water. Heat 8-12 ounces of vinegar in a saucepan until it becomes steamy and then pour it into an overflow tube.

Let the Vinegar sit, then Flush

To ensure that the vinegar mixes with the water in the toilet, you will need to wait for around 30 minutes. This will allow the toilet to properly break down any mineral deposits once it flushes. You can now move on to the next step by marking the time you need to flush.

Get rid of the Jets and Flush one more time.

Start scraping out any mineral deposits from the siphon jets of your toilet with a small Allen wrench. Once the mineral deposits start to disappear, you can use a larger Allen wrench to completely clear out the jets’ holes.

Make sure to flush your hands every now and then to remove any mineral deposits. Also, double-check your progress with a mirror. Rubber gloves are recommended for this task to protect your hands from getting too dirty.

After all the siphon jets are clean and free from any bacteria or mineral deposits, give the toilet one more flush and consider it done.

Common Mistakes in cleaning the toilet siphon jets

Sometimes the mineral or bacteria deposits can be very stuck so you shouldn’t scrape too hard. This could crack, or cause damage to the porcelain around the toilets or jets. These can lead to higher repair costs.

It is important to ensure that the solutions are properly prepared. Mix the bleach solution with at least 10 percent water. The vinegar should also be hot, but not boiling. If they are not properly prepared, both of these solutions could cause damage to your toilet’s siphon jets and overflow tube.

Finally, ensure that you let the vinegar and bleach solution sit in the overflow tube until the time is up. To ensure that your toilet is not damaged, you must allow both vinegar and bleach to mix with water. Flushing too fast can cause more damage than good, even if the siphon jets have thick gunk.

Summing Up

Unfortunately, you don’t hear people talking about how to clean their toilet siphon jet hole regularly to maintain their toilet’s performance. It can be very cost-effective to check your toilet’s siphon jets once a month.

Follow the steps to clean bacteria and mineral deposits carefully and be aware of warning signs.

Keep in mind these common mistakes and you will be ready to complete this simple task that every person should do: keep their toilets clean and functioning.

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